「拍片自造所(Video Pai.com)專注於協助新手從0到1學會拍片;提供TTT三大服務:Traning線上課程、Tutor線上教練、Tool線上工具,讓你聽得懂、學得會、跟著拍、立可用。
VideoPai.com assists beginners learning how to make a video from zero to one. We provide the “TTT” services: Training online with relevant courses, Tutoring online with experienced instructors, Tools online for making videos. By these well-designed services, everyone can easily absorb knowledge, quickly get started, instantly film after our demonstration, and publish the effective video for web marking right away.
Core Value: Your video-making instructor teach you how to make a video step by step.
Goal: Empower people to obtain the ability of making video. Empower the industries to use video for digital transformation.
Vision: By the co-creation and cooperation, our marketing starts from Taiwan, then one day to the five continents, the whole world.